Euro crisis not going away – when will Greece be allowed to default?
The love affair with Spanish debt (after recent auction) was short – the 5yr CDS […]
Greece replaces Argentina in ranking of sovereigns likely to go bust
Greek 10yr government bond yields 9.48% (+0.07) today – on their seemingly unstoppable march towards […]
Who is right – the bond or the stock market?
Since six months the correlation between 10yr Treasury bond yields (purple, left hand scale) and […]
GLD now the world’s second largest ETF
GLD is now the world’s second largest ETF (exchange traded fund) with 1,308 tonnes of […]
Is corporate debt safer than government debt?
Another day in the bond market, another day of sovereign spread widening. 10yr Greeks now […]
Greek 10yr bond yield above 9% after downgrade – Spain next?
When a picture speaks louder than words: the Greek 10yr bond yield. After Moody’s downgraded […]
Greece: A Ratings History
Everything seemed fine until end 2009. Few people talked about it. The debt was there. […]
Short term US T-bills almost back to zero
Look at 1-month yield for US Treasury bills: almost back to zero. Risk is out […]
Belgium CDS rise after election – Moody’s downgrades Greece to “junk”
Decent move in Belgian CDS (credit default swaps) today (+16% to 130bps) after Flemish separatists […]